desert was some pumpkin pie / whipped cream / ginger snap cookie concoction. I had a teaspoon or two of the pumpkin pie like substance. waited about 12 minutes I was in the bathroom
I think that our tolerances change periodically. I find that I can tolerate somethings, but the 'fourth' serving is what puts me over (even if it is not on the same day) ultimately I stick to my safe list of things to eat and rarely deviate.
I know that many times it if is a safe food, then the problem was that I was not 'paying attention' when I ate, and I woofed, didnt chew well, and or ate too much too quickly and gracious. I feel wretched.
if I do not 'talk on the phone' I am better about getting in my 'normal' amount and not feel over stuffed and the need to