Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The ring

Jazz gets her christmas present early
but says that there is nothing special going on

Merry Christmas

A joyful spirit from our family, a blessing of prosperity in the New Year to your family.

Monday, December 22, 2008


Good morning. The tree is decked, the lights are up, the stockings are hung, and the coffee is perking, all I need is help with the chocolate chip cookies. Where is Jordan?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Back in room surgery over

Place much nicer than a hospital i could get used to this fancy smancy place. The place which could be described as a private spa IMO. is TOPS. and the staff love thier job and the place is amazing. I was not thrilled to have a total hysterectomy. But the care here was above and beyond and I would highly recommend it. When they say highest level of personal care and anticipation of needs, they are not kidding.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Dentist Day

“When your dad is mad and asks you, "Do I look stupid?" Don't answer him.”
-Michael (age 14)
Advice from Kids

"He was so stupid that he couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel."
- Lyndon Johnson

"If he were any more stupid, he'd have to be watered twice a week."
- Anonymous

“Infantry branch doesn’t have a monopoly on stupidity but it does have the ability to purify and concentrate it.” - Former Infantry Officer

“I swear, if people get any dumber around here, we’re gonna have to start posting daily reminders to breathe!!”
- Sally Forth’s Boss

"The man who is worthy of being "a leader of men" will never complain about the stupidity of his helpers, the ingratitude of mankind nor the in appreciation of the public. These are all a part of the great game of life. To meet them and overcome them and not to go down before them in disgust, discouragement or defeat—that is the final proof of power."
~ William J. H. Boetcker

Monday, December 08, 2008

Ever wonder WTF?

I noticed that my grandmother has slowed down on the christmas cards. and then I noticed that she started forgetting birthday cards. and then POOF she forgot my birthday card this year. VERY strange. but okay, getting old sucks, I know first hand.

then today I get the second card of the year (first from my own mom) and how my great aunt is missing my grandma. WTF? so I call my aunt and ask: WTF? oh goodness, she died right after her birthday... IN JANUARY.. well I know I have talked to you every 3 months since then and you didn't bother to MENTION IT? well I thought your dad would have. yeah right. or your uncle. oh goodness gracious. this family. I swear. no, no one told me a bloody thing. and I have called frequently and it must have slipped their MIND.

They did this when my Grandpa passed in 1984 as well. I swear I have the most dysfunctional family known to man. she was like, well you wouldn't have come to the funeral. no. but I would have sent flowers and a card. what kind of heathen do you take me for. oh. well this apple DID FALL FAR FROM THE TREE. **SIGH**

so, it may be belated, but bye bye grandma. sorry that your obit was not even posted online so that I could have printed and saved it with all the others from the family. I hope that you are up in heaven, puttering around, giggling at what a mess we are down here.

Dora Marie Schumacher Hubbard

Descendants of Dora Marie Schumacher

1 Dora Marie Schumacher
. +Lee Russell Hubbard
............ 2 Irwin Robert Hubbard
................ +Priscilla Anita Allen
.......................... 3 Katherine Marie Hubbard
.............................. +Michael Duane Gerner
......................................... 4 Jasmine Marie Gerner
......................................... 4 Krystal Dawn Gerner
............................................ +Jason Douglas Miles
....................................................... 5 Jordan Jason Miles
.......................... *2nd Husband of Katherine Marie Hubbard:
.............................. +Douglas Arthur Riley
......................................... 4 Naomi Gayle Hubbard
.......................... *3rd Husband of Katherine Marie Hubbard:
.............................. +Sverre Arnt Amundsen
......................................... 4 Erik Cameron Amundsen
......................................... 4 Magnus Lee Amundsen
............ *2nd Wife of Irwin Robert Hubbard:
................ +Judy Longdo
.......................... 3 Jennifer Lynn Hubbard
............ 2 Maynard Nelson Hubbard
................ +Amy Rose Myers
.......................... 3 Tyrone Clayton Hubbard
............ 2 Brenda Lee Hubbard
................ +Thomas C Fisher
.......................... 3 Joseph Lee Fisher
.............................. +Diane Helgison
.......................... 3 Janice Marie Fisher
.............................. +Jeff Hayden
......................................... 4 Austin Hayden
......................................... 4 Levi Hayden
......................................... 4 Joselyn Hayden
............ *2nd Husband of Brenda Lee Hubbard:
................ +Dalton Cornwell

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


temporary cessation of stupidity

Flipping Scale!!!

okay, how many ways can you lie to yourself?

technically I am 5 ft 7 and 3/4 inches.. or is it 5 ft 8 inches? I am not sure. and technically the scale reads 161.5 lbs but my mom swears that it is off 4 lbs and my dr says that you have to subtract for clothing so it could be only 157.5 lbs now it I am the former and the scale is the latter, then I am normal, but if I am the latter and the scale is the former, then I am overweight again and that is not a good thing.

I had people tell me that I was TOO thin even though I was 10+ of my ideal weight. I have nibbled my way up the scales and while I do not want to use the "D" word (diet), I do need to get back to basics. I have RARELY stretched my pouch since this all began. I am still STUFFED with a single taco or a single slice of cheese. but I am suspicious that it is dehydration and stress induced cordisol that causes weight gain.

what I do not think that I need is a physical support group, or even a 'group hug' although I got a couple of those yesterday and it did feel pretty good. I tend to act like a shut in lately with all my stress. what I am doing is one meal at a time, getting back to basics.

2 eggs

3 vitamins (chewable)
1 b12 (pill)
1 cranberry (pill)

20 oz zip fizz (b12)

12 oz coffee

20g protein bar
12 oz coffee

6 oz Kefir (drinkable yogurt)

20 oz propel


20 oz decaf tea

i am not a failure and you are not a failure.. yes, I am now at a BMI of 25.3 and therefore I need to get back to a healthy weight but I am going to do it now, and not wait until it is an isurmountable task. 10 lbs in 10 weeks. I can do that...

oh me oh my

so I am trying to get the glucose under control and the freak of it is that I think that the RA is back out of remission. I got up and did the chores around the house, takes about 45 minutes to clean the kitchen, empty and load diswasher, wash down the stove, scrub out the sinks, and wipe down the counters, sort out the recyclables, and wipe down the table, make three beds, pick up dirty laundry, open curtains and blinds, get dressed, make coffee, cook up some eggs, wash out the bathroom sinks (toothpaste monsters) and turn on all the fans. this morning I was ready for a nap after that little bit of picking up. so I sucked down some vitamins, added in an extra b12 (3K) and reflected on my life.

tomorrow they will perform the U/S to see if they need to do a complete or partial hysterectomy. I am nervous. but not as nervous as worrying about cub scouts today, two sessions tomorrow, next Monday, next Wednesday and next Thursday. worrying about dentist for the family on Tuesday. worrying about finding someone to watch the boys the day of surgery and not have them miss chess club party. worrying about my photography sessions (4 in the next 10 days) and worrying about finding a session from May 2007 for a client that is as scattered as I am. worrying about money and the economy. worrying about this daughter flying to see that daughter at a moments notice, that daughter flying here to see me after surgery. being able to keep up with everything and everyone through the holidays. making sure that I do not bust out of my jeans with extra servings of pecan pie. ;-)

and then there is the shopping. it is not that I do not LOVE shopping, it is that I just do not know what to get for some very difficult people in my life. not that they are picky, just that they are special needs and it is so hard to shop for special needs people.

I have a calendar and I think I am going to have to start pruning down my commitments before they have me committed. ;-)