my nerves are shot, capute, wasted. I am 'done'. long story short, my family have had some high maintenance needs for months now. and my pouch is very very angry.
I tried to get back on track, cottage cheese this morning is screaming at me.
chicken sandwich is really got me needing to just empty and reboot the system. I know that I would just 'feel' better if I could just
it is always good to evaluated during days like this, it is like running down a problem so that you do not repeat it.
I couldnt :barf: properly because I had not consumed any liquids all day, so I was dealing with the dry heaves. but I did get enough out of my pouch that I could get down about 12 oz of apple cider and then I had a really good and productive :barf: took about four tries, but finally the offending BLUEBERRY that was not chewed up properly from 9 am came out and I felt much much much better. must have been a stricture, because now that it is gone, I am feeling better.
had 1/3 of a chicken sandwich from Arbys, that went down okay.
waited and had a 8 oz sprite mixed with a 2 oz of concentrated grape juice.
I got very religious in the bathroom. fortunately, it was the 'other end' that finally got moving with THAT version of the dumping. I swear it has been a TMI day.
to finalized my day... I have dropped down to 144 lbs, 6 below goal. I tried on some bras, I have freaking shrank AGAIN... down to a 34 C... which are not readily available. they are as difficult to find as 36D's were last month. I am totally and completely in size 4's and probably could get into a size 2... also my size 6's are so ginormous on me I had to borrow Magnus's belt (he is 5 years old and in Kindergarten) that is just so freaking wild, I can not image.
I am nearly done with converting my two car garage into a portrait studio. will take photos soon.
so as usual, my day is filled with triumph and sorrow.