Friday, January 26, 2007

I would do it again in a heartbeat

I am glad to share what I know, what I have learned and what I can. I have a public blog about my trials and triumphs over the last year.

you can start at the beginning and read the whole store. but to sum it up.

I had the RNY with a Mini Pouch. which means that they only leave a 1/2 oz pouch and reroute all the plumbing. it is permanent and it forever and there is no 'sneaking', cheating, or anything.

I started out with my doctor first consult. I was told that I would have to change to a high protein, no carb diet, this familiarizes the body with a whole new eating system, protein, vitamins, and fluids become the most critical parts of your day.

it took me about 28 days to get insurance approval. it took another 28 days to get all the preop tests run, EKG, barium swallow, blah blah blah. some take longer, some faster. my doctor gave me a goal of 3 or 4 lbs a month to loose while waiting to reduce the amount of fat deposited on the liver. the helps for access to the stomach during surgery. I lost 27 lbs preop and my doctor really said that helped.

surgery was difficult, but not any more so than say having a baby. I went in on Wednesday, and was out Thursday. I rode my bicycle to the end of the block by Friday (6 houses) and by day 12 post op, I rode 9.2 miles, which admittedly was 1.2 miles further than I should have. but I am bull headed and stubborn.

I was on pure clear liquids the first 6 days, just broth and popcicles. by day 6 I was eating chicken and salad. I took as much morphine in the hospital as I could, heehee and plenty of liquid codeine when I got home. I did polish off one bottle, but was able to wean off it fairly easily, so that I was at it every 3 hours the first day, every 4 the second, and every 5 and then every 6 until I could tolerate the pain on my own.

I still have times when I just HAVE to eat something that I REALLY want, but is not good for me, and then my tummy kickes in and literally kicks me in the butt, I puke, and it is a 'come to jesus' and I realize, hey, stupid, 'heres you sign' and swear not to be stupid again. and that usually lasts a month, and then I do it again, but after about the third time, I wise up and cross it off my list.

even after a 10 months, I am still fighting myself on occasion, but it is getting much better. a lot of it comes from within yourself, to believe that you deserve to be healthy. it is not about being skinny, that is just a bonus, it is about being healthy. I can still cruise the store, see stuff like cookies and ice cream, and think OH BABY I WANT and I can walk away and realize, I really do not want to get back up to where I was. and I can maintain if I just stay away from the crappy carbs.