Monday, January 01, 2007


most all are saying that you lost all the way out to your 1 year anniversary.

was it the same rate the last 6 months as it was the second 12 weeks? so far everything has been on target, first 12 weeks = -4 lbs a week, second 12 weeks = -2 lbs a week, now I am looking at the next 5 months until my anniversary.

Wongsa said a month ago to include fruit to slow things down, while I was not eating that much fruit then, I was eating fairly normally everything else. I have already incorporated a couple snacks, things like smoked salmon and animal crackers, so a mix of healthy and not healthy. breakfast yesterday was cheerios rather than cottage cheese. overall I would say that I am eating 1000 calories a day, I will have to fit day for three days this week to see for sure. it could be that even though I 'think' that I am eating all day, I may not be consuming enough calories.

Wongsa was shocked that I told him that I was consuming 3 oz per meal at my 6 month visit. he really thought I should only be at 2 oz portions. his recommendation at that point was to not go below 150 since I am so tall (5ft 7.25in). and that is only 2 weeks away considering the rate that I am going right now. On one hand, I had planned to be at goal 6 weeks ago, on the other, I am now okay with taking longer since I was not planning on yo'yo'ing up and down like a fishing bobber around my goal weight for the next 5 months.

it is good not to be alone. ;) not alone in knowing what it was like to live life as a person of enormous size. to live the life learning to eat less and to eat better. and to live life terrified of going to low or bouncing back up too high.

my surgeon said that I really do not have an extra 10 lbs to loose other than the skin. so he really did warn me not to go below 150 since the extra skin weighs 10 lbs and so underneath I would be 'underweight'. he was pretty animated when we talked about it one month ago. but I think that he sincerely thought that adding fruit into my diet would 'fix' the problem. He was so confident, that he even warned me not to eat bananas since they are fattening. (rolling my eyes) if only it was that simple.

have a joyous new year!

[[ Some people are like slinkies, they don't really have a purpose,
but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.]]

now on for the business.. do I do my continuing education in college station or in waterloo? I guess I will have to strongly consider my finances at the time. waterloo is in march and college station is in April. waterloo is $250 and college station is $515. waterloo is 3 days whereas college station is a full week. waterloo has sam puc and college station has the simone's. *sigh* or I could do like I did last year and just buy the class that I want on DVD.