Thursday, June 11, 2009


It is so easy to post when things are getting us down, so little to post when things are smooth sailing.

Update on the critters:

From the top:
Jasmine. wow. this sweet girl has been through the ringer, hubby insisted that she blow off her job in Montana and 'be with him' until his deployment. Then refused to help her pay those bills that rack up when she is not working. Insisted that she be at his beck and call while on deployment, but come to find out he has another 'honey' in Iowa, I swear, him and that other one deserve each other. Jasmine is just too sweet and special for all that drama. His family were beyond spiteful during Christmas because they really didn't approve of him marrying outside of the Jasper county gene pool. OMG. that is worse than some of those from the Ozarks. now to extract my girl as quickly and painlessly as possible. Currently she is living in California with Atlas and working at the PX on base. She accompanied our family to the Graduations in Kansas and was a real trooper in our primitive camping for 7 days including a tornado / flash flood situation one night. She is stronger than she realizes.

Krystal. awe. this strong girl has gone through some growth and development during this deployment. Jason calls infrequently, and that just destroys her peace of mind. she worries and is so disparately attached to him that I feel her agonizing over this separation. We flew her and mini-me home in May and the grandma's have been smothering them both with love, chores, work, and life to keep her mind healthy and his body active. So far it has all been a win/win situation and Krys is doing well. She is growing into a really sweet lady.

Naomi, *sigh* we thought she would be joining us this summer, but that was not the case after all. but we do the best we can with what we have. I am sure that she is doing well. I miss her terribly.

Erik! augh. Scouts are a transition. He is leaving Pack 1550 and Joining Pack 334
He is finishing up Swim Team and progressing in Triathlon season. We just completed 7 day primitive camping trip. 6 months before I will be ready to do that again. ;-) we are working seriously on behavior management. Today was Mad Scientist at the Forum. Tonight is his third swim work out today. Hopefully, dad will pedal with him over and back, he needs more saddle time.

Magnus, Painfully shy as always, will start swimming lessons on Monday, again. I swear, this kid needs to learn. other than that, he has mastered the Nintendo DS and is totally engrossed.