Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Sensory Processing Disorder

Good news... Your frustration and confusion about your child - who may have Sensory Processing Disorder - is almost over!

Finally!... A thorough explanation and a name for the behaviors and developmental concerns that exist - which seemed almost impossible to understand or cope with.

When parents first find out about sensory processing disorders, their reaction usually comes as: a "flash", a "light bulb moment", the "Aha!", "So that explains it!", "Oh, so now I understand!", "Why didn't someone tell me about this years ago?"

1. Hypersensitivity To Touch (Tactile Defensiveness)

__ resists friendly or affectionate touch from anyone besides parents or siblings (and sometimes them too!)

__ dislikes kisses, will "wipe off" place where kissed

__ prefers hugs

__ a raindrop, water from the shower, or wind blowing on the skin may feel like torture and produce adverse and avoidance reactions

__ may overreact to minor cuts, scrapes, and or bug bites

__ resists brushing teeth and is extremely fearful of the dentist

__ avoids touching certain textures of material (blankets, rugs, stuffed animals)

__ refuses to wear new or stiff clothes, clothes with rough textures, turtlenecks, jeans, hats, or belts, etc.

__ is a picky eater, only eating certain tastes and textures; mixed textures tend to be avoided as well as hot or cold foods; resists trying new foods

__ complains about having hair brushed; may be very picky about using a particular brush

__ excessively ticklish

__ distressed about having face washed

__ distressed about having hair, toenails, or fingernails cut

3. Poor Tactile Perception And Discrimination:

__ may be afraid of the dark

__ continues to mouth objects to explore them even after age two

1. Hypersensitivity To Movement (Over-Responsive):

__ may physically cling to an adult they trust

__ may have disliked being placed on stomach as an infant

__ bites or sucks on fingers

1. Hypersensitivity To Sounds (Auditory Defensiveness):

__ fearful of the sound of a car wash, cafeteria noise, classroom noise, car radio too loud

__ frequently asks people to be quiet; i.e., stop making noise, talking, or singing

__ runs away, cries, and/or covers ears with loud or unexpected sounds

Social, Emotional, Play, And Self-Regulation Dysfunction:


__ prefers playing by self with objects or toys rather than with people

__ does not seek out connections with familiar people


__ difficulty accepting changes in routine (to the point of tantrums)

__ gets easily frustrated

__ functions best in small group or individually

__ variable and quickly changing moods; prone to outbursts and tears

__ prefers to play on the outside, away from groups, or just be an observer

__ difficulty appropriately making needs known


__ difficulty with imitative play (over 10 months)

__ wanders aimlessly without purposeful play or exploration (over 15 months)